General T&C's
Version 1.0 updated on 5-12-2024 17:57
Table of contents
Article 1 - Definitions
Article 2 - Company identity
Article 3 - Applicability
Article 4 - The purchasing of tickets
Article 5 - Our events
Article 6 - Payment methods and tokens
Article 7 - Product prices
Article 8 - Photo and videographic content
Article 9 - Liability
Article 10 - Changes to events
Article 11 - Cancellation, relocation and rescheduling of an event
Article 12 - Merchandise
Article 13 - Personal data protection
Article 14 - Complaints
Article 15 - Changes in the terms and conditions
Article 1 - Definitions
We, us, ours: Explicit events and it's sub-brands;
Events: Any and all events hosted by Explicit events;
Event tickets: Any and all tickets that can be used to enter an Explicit event;
Customer: Everyone who visits events hosted by Explicit events;
Tokens: Tokens purchased at the event to spend on drinks and/or food.
Article 2 - Company identity
Explicit events is an event management company located in Oud-Beijerland, the Netherlands. Our company can be identified by the following information:
Name: Explicit events;
Adres: Lisztplein 19, 3261Js Oud-Beijerland;
Chamber of commerce number: 72372745;
VAT number: NL002387494B67.
Article 3 - Applicability
These terms and conditions apply to every event ticket for any and all Events.
By purchasing a ticket to or by entering the location of an event visitors agree to comply with these terms and conditions and any other house rules or instructions set in place by us.
These terms and conditions are available for customers at all time and the user will be promted to have read them before an order can be placed.
The agreement upon which these terms and conditions rest is covered exclusively by Dutch and European law.
Article 4 - The purchasing of tickets
The customer maintains responsibility for loss, theft, damage or misuse of event tickets.
The validity of tickets can only be garantueed when it is purchased from the Explicit events website or authorised third parties such as Chipta or Eventbrite.
We do not take responsibility for tickets purchased through an unauthorised (re)seller like ticketswap or any other third party website not listed in article 4.2.;
The resale of tickets for commercial purposes is prohibited;
The customer themselves is responsible for communicating purchased tickets at the door. This may include the digital ticket or a printed version.
We reserve the right to set a maximum number of tickets per order and may decline or cancel orders exceeding this limit.
By Dutch law, tickets cannot be returned or refunded as long as the agreement between the event organizer and customer is uphold. This means that the customer does have a 14 days reflection period to cancel or return the ticket at no cost.
In the case that an event should be canceled for whatever reason, the customer maintains their right to a full refund. Be that in the form of a full money refund or replacement tickets for another event of approximately the same value.
Article 5 - Our events
Access to an event is granted upon showing a valid and undamaged ticket at the event entrance.
Customers must be at least 18 years old to be able to attend an event. Customers are obliged to presentg a valid identification upon entrance.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to a customer, remove the customer from the event and/or hand them over to the authorities at any time, for example if a customer cannot present a valid ticket, wristband or identification, or is already noticeably under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
A ticket is valid for one (1) customer only, sharing tickets or wristbands is prohibited.
Customers shall not bring any (potentially) dangerous objects to events, including but not limited to: Glass, cans, fireworks or (potential) weapons.
We reserve the right to conduct searches or have designated security personnel conduct searches on customers or their belongings at any time during the event.
If a customer denies to comply with such a search, we reserve the right to deny entry to or remove the customer from the event without any liability for compensation or refund of the ticket price.
We reserve the right to confiscate items of a customer.
We reserve the right to hand a customer over to the authorities if we deem it required to uphold the safety and public order of the event, or any violation to the Dutch laws was made.
At any time, we or any relevant third party, such as security personnel, bar staff, technical operators, fire brigade and police, may share additional rules and/or instructions with which the customer must comply with.
Article 6 - Payment methods and tokens
We are entitled to determine the accepted payment methods on our events, which may include but is not limited to cash, credit cards, debit cards and digital or physical tokens.
Tokens or any other purchases made on the event are non-refundable.
Article 7 - Product prices
All event tickets are including VAT. (9%).
Article 8 - Photo and videographic content
We reserve the right to make pictures and video content on our events, and use said content in any and all online and offline publications related to our events.
Any and all photo or video content will never be linked to any personal data regarding the customer.
According to our privacy policy and the GDPR laws, the customer reserves their right to request photo or video content, in which the customer is noticeably visible, to be individually taken down and/or removed completely.
Article 9 - Liability
To the extend legally permitted, we exclude and/or limit our liability as set out in this article.
The customer visits the event and the premises around the event (including but not limited to any car park, campsite or shuttlebus) at their own risk. We cannot be held liable for any damage which the customer has suffered in this regard.
We are not liable for damages following from, directly or indirectly, the visitin of an event. This includes but is not limited to physical injuries (e.g. sensory damage) or damage to personal property.
Our liability for damages incurred by the customer is limited to instances of direct and demonstrable damages as a result from a failure in our obligations.
Our liability for indirect damages, including but not limited to consequential loss, non-material damages or loss of profits is explicitly excluded.
The customer must report any damage to us within 48 hours after the official event's end time. If the customer fails to report damages within this timeframe the customer will forfeit the right to claim any such damages.
We are not liable for any damages caused by third parties including our employees, agents or other affiliates, engaged directly or indrectly in the execution of the event. This exclusion also extends to any claims under 6:76, 6:171 and 6:172 of the Dutch civil code.
The customer agrees to indemnify Explicit events against all third-party claims for damages for which the customer is legally liable. Furthermore the customer will indemnify Explicit events for any resulting damages, including legal expenses arising from such third party claims.
Article 10 - Changes to events
We will always ensure that an event proceeds in line with the published schedules to the best of our ability. However, we reserve the right to make changes as we see neccesary. While every effort is made to adhere to announced timings, curcumstances may arise which could result in adjustments. We are not responsible for any changes or deviations from the advertised schedule and cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage or losses incurred by customers or third parties as a result of such changes.
We are not liable for the content of the event program, including but not limited to the duration, quality or other aspect of any performance.
Article 11 - Cancellation, relocation or rescheduling of an event
We reserve the right to reschedule or relocate the event to another date, time or location, or cancel the event altogether, for example in case of a force majeure, circumstances that are beyond our control such as cancellation of artists, restriction or orders from authorities, bad weather conditions, strikes, pandemic, fire, safety threats or failure of utilities.
We are not responsible for any damage resulting from an event being rescheduled, relocated or canceled.
If we cancel an event, either before the start or during the event, we will inform customer thereof. Refunds or alternative solutions will be processed through a procedure announced by us. Customers will be informed of such procedures via electronic communication, such as email or our website.
Any refund will only cover the price of the admission fee on the ticket, and not include any service charges and other costs incurred by the customer.
Refunds and/or alternative solutions will be communicated and issued directly to the customer that purchased the tickets through our authorised channels as described in article 4.2.
Customers that have purchased tickets through resellers are themselves responsible for contacting the original buyer to arrange a refund.
When an event is rescheduled to another date and/or time, the original tickets will remain valid for this specific event. Customers who cannot or do not wish to attend the rescheduled event may be able to return their ticket according to the refund procedures set in place, provided that the customer follows the procedure and responds within the period stated by us. Customers who fail to respond within the specific period or who attend the rescheduled event waive their right to a refund and/or alternative solution.
Customers are not entitled to any refund if they are unable to attend the event.
Article 12 - Merchandise
Merchandise items ordered via the event ticket shop can exclusively be picked up at the relevant event. If a customer is unable to or has not collected any or some of the ordered merchandise items, the customer is not entitled to a refund or to the relevant items.
Article 13 - Personal data protection
We process personal data of our customers in accordance with our privacy policy and the european GDPR laws.
Article 14 - Complaints
In case of a complaint in regards to the agreement and these terms and conditions we have sufficient capabilities and procedures to take up said complaint.
Complaints made by the customer in regards to the agreement and these terms and conditions must be made aware to us within a respected timeframe of when the incident took place. Such complaint is to be made with a full and clear description.
Complaints made will be resolved within 14 days of the day of the first exchange of communication. Should an incident take longer to resolve than said timeframe we will make the customer aware of the situation and provide them with a new timeframe.
Article 15 - Changes in the terms and conditions
These terms and conditions are subject to change and apply to new orders with immediate effect.
If a change may negatively affect the rights or obligations of the customer, we will either notify the change by email or bringt it to the attention on our website and ticket shops. If the customer does not wish to accept the amended terms, the customer must refrain from visiting events and/or purchasing tickets.